Be a Part of Norwood Life Care Foundation's 2024 Father's Day Appeal!

Spring 2024

Dear Friends,


Along with all the special events that June brings, Father’s Day is around the corner.  We’re asking for your help to celebrate the men we serve at Norwood Crossing and Norwood Seniors Network by participating in our annual Father’s Day awards tradition. It’s a great way of letting the special man in your life know you’re thinking of him while benefitting his home and services for area seniors. Please join us in saluting the men who mean so much to us by honoring your father, grandfather, husband, uncle, brother, cousin or friend with a donation to our 2024 Father’s Day Appeal.


Your gift to the Norwood Life Care Foundation is tax-deductible and will be gratefully used to provide programs not covered by fees and offer charitable care to worthy seniors. You may give online by clicking the link below and please be sure to let us know whom you’re honoring. The Foundation will send your loved one a card, letting him know of your contribution.


Thank you for being a part of our Norwood family!



Jennifer Sigmond

Philanthropy Officer

Norwood Life Care Foundation

Please click the link below to make your tax-deductible and secure online gift. In the drop down box choose “specific donation” and then, when prompted, click the “write a note” symbol. Please designate your gift to the Father’s Day Appeal and be sure to let us know whom you’re honoring.

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